Hi, I’m Tiffany
I like to say things that perhaps other people wouldn’t but I believe giving voice to the unspoken can help us navigate the rockiness of life.
I’ve spent my career working with entrepreneurs.
Twelve years ago, I became the first employee and founding team member of onefinestay, which went on to sell in a deal worth $200m.
I’ve worked with over 20 startups as a strategic consultant and I still work with startups as a recruiter.
I’m also a coach and I've trained with the Co-Active Training Institute and completed the Positive Intelligence program.
I’m a passionate storyteller and I write about life.
My book, Totally Fine (and other lies): What my decade in grief taught me about life will be published in March 2022.
My writing has been published in, The i Paper, Refinery 29, Stylist, Sifted and The Startup.
My newsletter, The Tiff Weekly, is about love, loss, finding meaning and some of the messier sides of life.
Based in
Tel: 123-456-7890
London, United Kingdom
I co-host a podcast on working life with my best friend.
Journalist Anna Codrea-Rado and I co-host Is This Working?, which is the work, life and happiness podcast hosted by two best friends.
Is This Working? is a number one show in the Apple careers charts and is frequently in the top three in the business charts. Guests in previous seasons have included: Pandora Sykes, Otegha Uwagba, Grace Beverley, Gretchen Rubin, Anne Helen Petersen, Anna Newton and Laura Jane Williams. We were featured in The Guardian Guide's top five podcasts and The Sunday Times Style Magazine as well as Stylist, Red Magazine, The Economist and Courier.